Thank you to my readers(:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Oh yeah let's hit girls."

Okay, so by request by an anonymous reader i'm going to write about men hitting women . Or guys hitting girls. People always say it's not always the guys which is true but common' get real. When men/boys hit females they hurt them. But when a girl hits a guy, unless she's a big girl, it probably doesn't hurts. (Well, I think it wouldn't.) It's defiantly over all the most unacceptable for a dude to hit a female when a baby is present. What influences men to hit females? If you think about it, females are defiantly stronger than dudes mentally. Females can take emotional hits (Don't get me wrong, it hurts and some people i'm sure tend to explode) But when boys/men who have been brought up to hit females get an "Emotional hit" they get violent. & It is really how they were brought up. If anyone fights it's because either they saw it when they were a kid, or they were brought up to think it's okay. And I don't understand how someone can raise their kid like that. Does no one think about how the other person may feel when you're smashing their face in ? I've been there , getting hit not the hitter, and it's not too nice. I'm not saying i've been hit by a man/boy but i've taken some hits from girls.

So anyways, the point is HIT A FEMALE GO TO JAIL. I hope no female has to go through this, and if they do I hope they have the power to look towards god or whatever you believe and get out of that relationship. it may be hard but once a hitter always a hitter unless god changes them.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm sorry.

The title of this is "I'm sorry" because I feel sorry for what i'm about to write about.

I recently saw a girl I knew in a music video, making herself look "sexy". I feel bad for the ladies who think they have to lower themselves for a man to like them, or to get attention. There is also a classy way to look "sexy" and a trashy way. I can only hope that the ladies in music videos can find a way out of that life style. I'm not saying that girls being in music videos is trashy, it's the way you present yourself in that video.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Okay so something that really gets under my skin is when unfit moms give advice to other moms.
Number 1.If you drink while pregnant, you're an unfit mother (No i'm not talking a beer or wine every once in awhile, because they are now showing that is perfectly fine. I'm talking drinking 1 beer + A DAY!) 2.If you sell/do or let your child around someone who sells/does Coke, Crystal, and other bad drugs, you're an unfit mother. 3.IF YOU DO DRUGS WHILE YOU'RE PREGNANT YOU'RE AN UNFIT MOTHER! 4. If you contradict yourself.....well you're not an unfit mother. But you may be a bitch. hahaha. 5. If you have had your child taken away from you, you're an unfit mother! Anyways, I am in this "Moms group" on FB. Whenever I, or someone else has a concern or wants to know something that has to do with them or their child they post things questions on FB. some are mothers I know, but most of them I don't. I sure do find it funny when I see someone I know who is an "unfit" mother giving advice. Especially one person inpeticular who no longer has one of her children living with her, and another who Drinks all the time while pregnant.

Well that's my take on it. Remeber, you don't have to agree with me. This is the way I see things, if you feel differently feel free to speak your mind. But please, do it with respect.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Baby fat and other things.

So people have been asking me how I lost my "baby fat", well I never really got big to begin with. But Here is what I do do. I just got the Wii just dance 3, and I'v been losing weight that way. Also I park pretty far in the parking lot so I walk. I get out a lot more too now, doctors appointments and taking Avianna to do things. I TRY and eat good, don't get me wrong I can tear up some double chocolate brownies hahaha. But I eat salads with DRY tuna aka NO MAYO, and try to watch my portions.

So onto the next thing. It makes me soo mad when moms act like it's sooo hard raising a kid. It's really not, you just have to do EVERYTHING differently. It takes 3x as long to go into a store, yes, but it's not HARD. When they get older you can't just turn on the T.V. to entertain them, go out to the park and play some soccer. A person that I know used to complain about her weight and she has a kid, but she just stuck her kid infront of the T.V. then would complain when she couldn't get a babysitter so she could work out. Like HELLO! Go to the park with your child and play with them, not just sit there.

It also ticks me off when women don't stay with their, for lack of a better word, "baby daddy" and put other men before there child. They would rather get a sitter so they can go out with there new guy and his friends then have a night in watching movies with their kid. Or include your kid in things with your "new man". I mean you don't have to say "This is my new boyfriend ____" You can act like it's your friend for the sake of not neglecting your child.

When you're a young mom/DAD you don't need to be another statistic. Don't treat your child like your friend! That's when they grow up to be thugs, gang bangers, pimps, drug addicts ect.

DADS:I can't say this enough DON'T BE A DEAD BEAT! First off if your baby momma is smart, she'll come after your butt for child support. Second, think of how your kid will grow up with out you. If you have a girl, she may sleep around or become a stripper. With a boy he might get a girl pregnant at a young age, or go looking for that attention in a gang.

Well that's all for tonight (: Thank you to everyone who has been reading. If there is something you would like me to write about, let me know!


Okay, so I didn't really know what to write about. Everything is going good for me, except the damn parking situation where I live. But other than that everything is going good, my daughter is AMAZING and i couldn't ask for more. My relationship=GREAT, hasn't been this good in a long time, and as for my family they're equally as amazing as my daughter.

So I was thinking about what to write about, and a new friend request goes onto my facebook. Someone who I don't really know, and i'v deleted in the past. Why add me if i'v deleted you? I don't just delete people cause they "aren't cool enough". I delete them because I don't talk to them. To me Facebook is a place to connect with friends and family, not somewhere where you add whoever whenever. So whether you're someone I don't know, or someone who just STALKS my FB I won't add you. People are nosy, I can admit i'm nosy myself. But I don't make it visible (until now) <---lol. I don't add someone just to read how there relation ship is, or how there baby is. If you're going to do that, ADD THEM AND TALK TO THEM. That goes for outside of FB as well. i'm pretty sure this was a dumb post but It really irritates me when people I delete add me again, I add them back, then they don't talk to me so I delete them again ect.

next post will be coming soon i'm sure, I already know what to write about.
-Contradicting other people. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers.

Theres a Song John Mayer wrote called "Daughters", I think if you're a parent you should listen to it. The lyrics are raw and so true. When you're a parent you need to give your child stability, and be a "fit" parent. Giving your child instability, for example, telling your kid "This is daddy" and then going and telling him/her "This is your daddy too" is wrong. You effect your kid NOW. Doing this like yelling and cursing infront of your child while they are young can still effect them. I'm young but I took enough classes on the human brain and child development to back myself up. Also what I believe is wrong is taking your child away from the only father they know just because you're selfish. Once you have a baby it's not all about you, it's about YOUR CHILD. You are your childs role model, so act like an adult. You made an adult decision to keep a baby, create a baby, adopt a baby, get a sperm donor ect. Not only are you screwing up your childs life, but it could be inpacting someone elses life as well.

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror, i'm asking him to change his ways. And no message would have been any clearer, if you wana make the world a better place."

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Start with you & the next generation first.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


So I went to the movies the other night to see Twilight, while I was walking back to the theater from getting popcorn I walk past a long line for the girls bathroom. As I was walking a girl yelled out "whore". I didn't process until I had gotten back to the theater. Was this directed at me? Wether or not it was directed at me it really bothered me. It bothered me because 1. (If It was directed at me) I am a mother, I have done everything I can to protect my image as a mother. Not dressing like a "whore", not dressing to provacitive, being classy and watching how I hold myself. And I am a totally different person today that I was before I got pregnant. 2. Why would you put someone down like that? Are you a "whore" and have a guilty conscience? Or are you just jelous because you're man would rather have her than you?

Regardless, no one should talk like that to a female, wether they're bad news or not. I must say i'm not 100% perfect, I have done my fair share as well. But as I matured, I realize "is this the life you want? To talk about other people?"

And FYI: If someone is a mom, respect that. Just because they're young doesn't mean they don't deserve the same respect as a mother in their 30's .

Friday, November 18, 2011

First post(:

This is my first blog, never even really read a blog but i'm hoping I can let out some steam on this as well as see what other viewers feel on situations. Make sure you look for polls at the top of my page and please "vote" on them! They help me to see how YOU feel about things that i'm looking to write about.

**For some reason the question to today's poll isn't showing up. The question is DO YOU CATCH YOURSELF STEREOTYPING PEOPLE?**

Time to vent: So I live in a mobile home park and our parking in very limited. We have three cars that are used daily, mine, my moms and my step dads. Our carport can only have two cars parked under it and it's my mom and step-dads. Across from our mobile home are four spots and they're supposed to be used for visitors and residents. We didn't have a problem parking there until almost a year ago. Now residents are storing there cars there. One guy impiticular, Ben, has 5 cars. Why a man has five cars when it's only him and his daughter living at the house blows my mind. Ben stores as many cars as possible in those spots. I forgot to mention, if you can't park there the closest parking is either down the street outside the park or down at the very end of the trailer park. Very hard to carry a baby in a car seat far away from my house. Lately it hasn't been just him though, it started with him then others have  started rebelling. A Hispanic family three houses down from mine bought another truck (they already have an expedition and truck) and park it in one of those four spots . The people two houses down from them store their expedition, Ben has a car there and then this red truck (whom we have NO clue who's it is.) So there are all four spots taken. I've wanted to say something when I see them switch cars from one that's in their carport to the one that's in the spot. 

How would you handle this situation?

Is there anything you would like me to write about, something you feel strongly about? Let me know by posting a comment!