Thank you to my readers(:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Get your kind under control!

Okay so this came to me today when Avianna had just gotten put down to sleep and was woken up by some kids. We have thin walls, not the kids' falt. The problem was is these kids live at least 5 houses away from me, yet they are coming so close to my house they mind as well be in my moms front garden. When they get close they like have a spo t RIGHT IN FRONT OF AVIANNAS ROOM where is their "base" for tag. I don't have the balls to go and say "excuse me but can you stop playing in front of my house, my kids asleep." This deff. isn't the first time they have done this either! The mom is outside laughing at the kids, i'm like wth? Also as I've mentioned in a previous post we have four parking spots in front of my house. Well, I have my car parked there FINALLY. Those same kids' parents were cutting down a tree and so they had a ton of sticks. These kids were running in and out of the cars with the sticks hitting each other. I was watching them to make sure no one was hitting the cars, they came pretty close, and the mom is once again sitting there laughing. -___-

Another situation occured at Ross. I was in line to exchange something and some woman had a, I want to say, 3 year old and a 5 month old. At the time Avianna was almost 4 months. Her little girl came up to the stroller and touched Aviannas face almost slapping it! The mom just sat there. And i'm not a mean person so I don't know where the line is crossed when telling SOMEONE ELSES kid to back off.

Now this one doesn't have to do with kids, well actually it does because of lack of maturity and respect towards others: WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO COME INTO A TRAILOR PARK SLAPPIN'. Note: you're not bad ass. And It makes me so mad because this wanna be gang banger drives by 9, 10, 11 sometimes 1 in the morning slappin' his POS music and you can't hear it and the base sounds like ass. Like no respect bro or what? there have been so many times where I want to go outside and sit there till he comes so I can throw a red colored egg at him (Since you can clearly tell he's a "Northerner") and scream F U HAVE SOME RESPECT! Every time he comes in here slappin' he wakes up Avianna, and if not that he wakes me and Jorge up too!

Okay last one: In my park you're not allowed to have any "large" sized dogs, Pitts, rottweilers*, great danes, ect. Cause they can jump over the fences here. Well the same people who have the kids I was talking about have a rottweiler*. That dog barks day in and day out waking Avianna up if their kids don't get to her first. I wake up hearing the dog even if the T.v. or fan is on . Now dude, get control of your kid and damn dog!

So in close tonight not only do I say get your kids in line and also have some respect, but I'de like to ask for prayers for my friend Brittany and her boyfriend Brett. Baby Emoree (their baby) was born November 23rd. Brittany's due date was in December but due to a leak in her water she had to be enduced. On top of spending Thanksgiving in the hospital, the day Brittany was supposed to be realeased they got news that baby Emoree would not be comming home with them. Baby Emoree still isn't home and they want her home (who wouldn't want their baby home with them) So I ask you to pray for them. If you don't pray please wish or hope or whatever you may do to get baby Emoree healthy enough to come home. Thank you!

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