Thank you to my readers(:

Friday, December 16, 2011


Okay there is something that makes me pretty ticked. It's when girls are using abortion for B.C. I thought this way even before I had Avianna or even got pregnant. Girls are going out there, having unprotected sex, getting pregnant and going to PPH for an abortion. It's a human life. I deff. don't believe in that method of "Birth control" and I don't agree with abortion unless it's under a cercumstance .
1.You have been rapped.
2.You've been molested by a family member.
3.You are forced to have an abortion.
Yes ladies, you can be forced. I was taking this medicine for my acne called Acutane. It was a very powerful drug only perscribed by a Dr. and every month I had to take a blood test because YOU CANNOT GET PREGNANT ON THIS MEDICINE. It will damage your body and your kid WILL come out mentally ill. So I had to sign a waver form that if I had gotten pregnant, I had to have an abortion.

And as for girls ON birth control and getting pregnant and having abortions, why do you keep having sex if you see your BC isn't working for you?

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